Grand Tour of Europe 2017 details (Click Here)
We have decided to take GWR across the water and we are arranging a European road trip. If you are free between the 20th and 25th of September 2017 and want to join a few of us on some of the best driving roads in the world just let me know. Planning is very much in its infancy, but we will be looking at taking in some great roads around France, Switzerland and anywhere else that will have us. Be warned though, this will be a driving holiday, you could be driving for between 6 to 8 hours a day and we will be staying in budget hotels to keep the price down and finding places to eat as we go. So if you are more accustomed to 5* treatment, you might want to give this a miss. You will have to have a slightly adventurous side and like to explore small towns and villages looking for somewhere to eat and of course try the local wines on a budget, which from my experience is the fun way to do it. Let me know if you would like to come along and we can all get together and talk over the plans that Pete is currently roughing together.
This sounds interesting as I’ve yet to take my MX-5 abroad.
Keep an eye on the post Smiffy, I’ll update it as and when we get more info.