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The day really did have everything!

A wonderful turnout, 19 cars started from Dearne  Valley pub in glorious sunshine. The Mercury pushed past 22 deg in the morning and kept on rising. Roofs down was order of the day, and an enthusiastic membership eager to start our monthly run.

We travelled along the Stocksbridge by-pass, left at the Flouch and over the Woodhead Pass to the turn off for Glossop, across to the other side of one of the numerous reservoirs in the valley which supply water to Greater Manchester and on through countryside with spectacular views,to the town of Glossop.

So far so good, everyone in line, present and correct! Walkie Talkies crackled and popped keeping the formation fully informed, walkers and bystanders waved as they watched the superbly turned outMX5’s pass then up and over the Snake Pass.

The sunshine had brought people out on the roads, not least the motor cyclists who completed death defying overtaking manoeuvres and held scant regard for speed limits or double white lines!

We called at the Fairholmes Tourist Information Centre by the Derwent Dam for coffee, ice cream and a comfort stop. Not forgetting the photo call in front of the Dam wall.

Suitably refreshed it was on through Bamford, Bradwell and many more of the pretty Peak District villages, spectacular scenery all the way towards Bakewell, where Burton had used his contacts and charm to secure us an amazing picnic location! Our very own Bakewell Showground private paddock, complete with lock and key!

It was out with the folding chairs, cool bags, cameras and picnic hampers as we all sat enjoying the food, fabulous weather and camaraderie.

The friendship that is fostered between all members within Peaks & Pennines is wonderful and in no small way thanks to the efforts of both Burton and Lesley our Area CoOrdinators.

Then it was a steady stroll by the river to the shops and café’s in the town centre. And still it got hotter and hotter!!

Another memorable monthly run under our belts.

Paul Graham

The Route Card: Bakewell_picnic_July_2017

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