Adam Gill
Covering Postcode Areas AL-CM-E-EC-EN-IG-N-RM-SG-SS-WC-WD the Club’s North Thames Area extends along the Thames from Central North East London and outwards taking in Essex. The Area is part of the initial local identified areas of the Club, reaching back to the Club’s origins in the early to mid 1990s, and played host to the first ever local area meeting, today the Area boasts more members in this area, than the entire founding membership of the Club! We hope that you will come and join us!
Held at The Eagle Pub,
From Junction 28 of the M25 follow the A1028 to Brentwood then turn left onto the A128 which will take you into Kelvedon Hatch. Drive through the village and the pub is set back on the Left hand side as you leave the village. (The pub is on the opposite side of the road to the police station, and a large water tower set back from the road.)
Just a note for those of you that are following the directions above – Be Careful! It is easy to overshoot the pub car park!
Join us on stand 1-650 at the UK’s premier classic motor event, the Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show at the NEC Birmingham from Friday 8 – Sunday 10 November. Book advance tickets at www.necclassicmotorshow.comquoting our club code CCCNOV221 to save £4 off single-day adult tickets or £2 off family, child or multi-day tickets. Book by 17 October and you’ll help us earn additional benefits!
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