4th February 2018 @ 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet
Abbeydale Road South
Sheffield S7 2QW
United Kingdom
Burton and Lesley

As we have an increasing number of members in the Kirklees area I thought it would be nice to start a few runs though the year in the north of the Peaks and Pennines area.

The starting point is The Silkwood Farm (Pub) close to Jct 40 M1, our route will take us close to The Emley Moor Mast, down to The Flouch, and onto Chalel-en-le Frith calling near Hayfield for a mid morning coffee stop. From here its onto Fox House via The Vale of Edale. The Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet is on the outskirts of Sheffield

Run Route Card 

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet is a unique eighteenth century industrial works. Catch a glimpse of life at home and at work at a rural scythe and steelworks dating back to the 18th century.

Abbeydale Works was once a producer of agricultural tools and the largest water-powered industrial site on the River Sheaf. It is now a group of Grade I and Grade II listed buildings and a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

See the Manager’s House and Worker’s Cottage, waterwheels, workshops, tilt hammers, a grinding hull, steam engine and the last complete surviving crucible steel furnance in the UK!

There is a Cafe on site

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Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet has been restored and transformed following a 3 year £1million Heritage Lottery Funded restoration project completed in 2016.



MX-5 Owners Club