10th November 2024 @ 10:00 am
To be advised
Burton and Lesley

Monthly Sunday Runs are generally on the Sunday following the monthly meeting, unless the date clashes with another event, or falls on a Bank Holiday Weekend.

The start location and time varies according to the area to be visited, the start time shown is the leaving time, usually the group meets 30 to 45 minutes before the leaving time for a cuppa and a chat, or earlier if a breakfast is required.

Members (and prospective members) are welcome to join or leave an any point, please let the leader know if you intend to do this so we are not waiting for you, and if you are leaving mid route, ensure that the cars behind know you are leaving the convoy,  or you may find you have  extra guests at your house for tea !!!!

Please study the clubs Good Driving Guide before coming on a run.

See some of the places we plan to visit (or revisit)

If you have questions about any of the events or any ideas or suggestions for runs or days out. Please contact your Co-ordinators – details on the Contacts page 


About The Peaks and Pennines Logo 

Over five years of Peaks and Pennines Events

MX-5 Owners Club