13th August 2024 all-day
Scotch Corner South Bound Services
Brian Crowther & Steven & Jenette Dobrowski
Scarecrows at Kettlewell. @ Scotch Corner South Bound Services

In 2022 we did this event not this route but everyone enjoyed the event and it was requested to do again in the future, So here it is.

Steven & Janette have kindly offered to organise a Tuesday event jointly with the MX-5 Owners Club Peeks & Peninnes area.

The Starting point will be Scotch Corner A1 MOTO services. Meet and Greet at 9.30am for a 10am event start.

The route will be a Mystery Tour and only the members on the event will know where they are going or been. I think.

Steven will lead the group to the Larkhill Nurseries Studley road Ripon HG4 2QR. (45 minute Comfort break)

Kettlewell parking. There is a charge of £4 cash only we have been informed.(approximately 1.5 hour stop)

Reeth via Leyburn (possible breakaway point) Confort break / Ice cream stop 30 minutes

Barnard Castle (possible breakaway point)

Return to Scotch Corrner approximately 5.20pm



MX-5 Owners Club